by Jay Jones | | Leadership
A Simple Plan for Making Big Changes in a New Church You’ve probably heard the old adage, “how does a new pastor move the organ from one side of the platform to the other? One inch at a time!” It sounds funny and even sounds true, but I disagree...
by Jay Jones | | Discipleship
4 Simple Steps to Life Transformation Many Christians are never taught about life transformation beyond salvation. Instead, they’re taught to learn information, modify their behavior, and to act and behave according to guidelines for acceptance, community, and...
by Jay Jones | | Personal Development
30-Plus Side Income Ideas for Pastors In today’s church leadership reality, most pastors are either the sole employee of the church or are working bi-vocationally to make ends meet. Pastoring is a full-time job, no matter how you look at it, and the reality for...
by Jay Jones | | Leadership
Should We Follow the Successful Churches? How Survivor Bias Kills Ministries. Are you like me? I mean, are you a pack rat when it comes to collecting resources, ideas, and methods of other ministries? I confess I’m an unabashed student of others who seem to be...
by Jay Jones | | Leadership
5 Tips for Delegating to Volunteers If you need to relieve yourself of some of your workload and know you need to ask unpaid volunteers to do it, let me share a plan for how to recruit them without feeling guilty about it. Whether you’re a paid pastoral leader...