Jay Jones

Ministry Logistics

Helping move ministry forward

Hi, I’m Jay.

Maybe we’ve already met, or are just now getting acquainted. If you know me at all, you know I’m passionate about the Church and seeing Her thrive everywhere. You’ll also know that I love sharing the things I create and the knowledge I’ve gained.

My Story

I’m a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband to Angela, daddy to Kelsea, and overall a pretty good guy. One of my great passions is to help fellow church leaders discover simple, effective methods to move their ministries forward.

With more than 30 years of ministry experience, I’m a veteran church planter, speaker, author, and Bible institute instructor. I’m an ordained minister of the United Pentecostal Church where I’ve served in various leadership capacities involving church planting, area presbyter, student ministries, and publications. I currently serve as the District Secretary in  Michigan and as senior pastor of the Pentecostals in West Michigan.

I’d love to bring my experience alongside your ministry to help you find success in your unique call of God.

My Values & Beliefs

My relationship with God always comes first

True ministry can only happen from God’s overflow, not from our reserves. When we find ourselves struggling or burned out, it’s usually because we’ve neglected drawing from the Well of Christ’s abundance in private. @jabezstone

Family is my ministry priority

Before I pour out to those outside of my house, my responsibility is to serve my wife and daughter. Family is God’s most vivid picture of His love for mankind, and if we don’t manage it well we have no business leading others. @jabezstone

Ministry must never be about my performance

The call of the world is to work harder, perform better, and gain its approval. But Jesus’ appeal is much different. It’s to simply come and abide deeply in Him. Fruit-bearing is then the byproduct of relationship, not the cost to obtain it. @jabezstone

My Consulting Approach

Early on I learned that being a student would be my lifelong pursuit. But along the way, I could show others how to find the bread I’ve found. In effect, being a teacher doesn’t mean we’ve arrived or that we have nothing to learn from those we teach. In fact, I find mentoring to be more of a mutual exchange, where each seeks both to give and receive.

I’ve had the privilege of sharing my experiences, knowledge, and resources with young and old, professional and craftsman, the affluent and the minimalist. And in every case, I’ve walked away being enriched as well as they. I have no ego to stroke or personal agenda to advance… only to hone my ministry and do what I can to advance the Kingdom of God by equipping the church.

If you feel the same way, I think we can work well together.

Featured Publications


Back to Life Book

4 Keys to Resurrected Living

  • Part 1 - Resurrecting Faith
  • Part 2 - Resurrecting Spirituality
  • Part 3 - Resurrecting Generosity
  • Part 4 - Resurrecting Relationships

Ready to move your ministry forward? Let’s talk!