I’m Jay Jones
Helping fellow Church Leaders discover simple, effective methods to move their ministries forward.
Resource Library
Sometimes a helpful tool or strategy is the catalyst we need to move our ministry forward. Browse my collection of documents, systems, and other resources.
Ministry Consulting
Sometimes what we need is someone to walk alongside us, helping to untangle stuck things and sharing proven methods for growth. If you’re there, I’m here.
Identify where you are. Dream about where you want to be. Build a bridge between the two realities.
I’m a designer at heart. It’s just a natural talent. In my secular employment, I helped some of the largest companies in the world (and some of the smallest) gain clarity around where they’re headed and how to get there, using design to take insights to
As I’ve done with many ministry leaders and churches, I’ll help you use the power of design-thinking to establish your approach to ministry and align your leaders around a winning strategy and proven systems.
About Me
I’m a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ, a husband, daddy, and overall a pretty good guy. One of my great passions is to help fellow church leaders discover simple, effective methods to move their ministries forward.
Want to know more?
Read helps and ideas for leadership, ministry, discipleship, and personal development.
Secrets to Successful Panel Discussions: A Guest Speaker’s Toolkit
At times, you may be asked to speak on a panel at a conference and wish you had some guidance. Having participated in, and led, numerous panel...
10 Lies Ministry Leaders Believe
As a leader, friend, and mentor, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact that church leaders can have on the lives of their congregation. But I've...
Integrating AI in Ministry Without Losing Your Soul
You've probably heard a variation of the saying, "the shortcut is actually the longest path." It's a cautionary tale that reminds us quick fixes are...
Downloadable Resources
Why re-invent the wheel when others have created proven, effective methods and models? Swipe from my collection of free and inexpensive resources.
First Time Giver Checklist and Letter Bundle
Revolutionize your church’s giving process with my First Time Giver Checklist and letter bundle, designed to welcome and engage new and regular givers.
Ministry Mindset Calendar
Maximize your church’s impact with our comprehensive guide. Plan your upcoming sermon series, gatherings, and ministry activities effectively and with precision.
Oikos Intentionality Discipleship Worksheet
Strengthen your discipleship efforts with our Google sheet. Keep track of potential and active disciples easily and clearly with customizable settings.
“I can say without a shadow of
“I consider Jay Jones a leading voice of Ministry in our day. His knowledge and influence is without a doubt God given. Specifically, through Jay’s training and insights, our Life Group and Christian Development Ministries have become healthy, strong and impactful.”
“I want to thank Jay for his timely, practical